Transportation FAQs
Transporation Webstite - lots of extra details.
- Make sure you call or send a note by 2:00pm if your child's "going home" transportationchanges from what is listed on the transportation form. Changes made after 2:00 cannot be guaranteed and increase our odds of missing the information.
- Every time you make a permanent change to the transportation form, you need to fill out a new form. This information is routed to both the school and the transportation department.
- Try to keep a steady routine for dismissal transportation. This helps alleviate confusion when are making sure that 625 kids all go to the right place.
- Student who have already boarded the bus, should be picked up at their bus stop. Pulling kids off of buses delays the dismissal for all students.
- If your child is a car rider, please make sure that as soon as your car enters the green zone in front of the building they are ready to exit the car. Do not wait until you are right in front of the door. This delays the whole line. Please have backpacks ready and kisses handed out before you get in front of the building.
- Staff members are available for assistance and happy to help.
- Don't pull around cars without guidance. This is a safety hazards for our students exiting and entering cars. If we have a delay we move that car up and then instruct cars to pull around with staff guidance.
- If your child has a behavioral incident on the bus or at the bus stop, he or she may receive a bus conduct referral. These can result in a suspension from the bus either temporarily or for the remainder of the year.